Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy
Confirmed and Unconfirmed Appointments
If your appointment is confirmed at any time with one of our staff members, the below cancellation rules apply.
If your appointment is not confirmed prior to the booking time, you will be refunded fully.
Cancellation – 24-hour advance notice
Applies to only confirmed appointments.
We require at least 24-hour advance notice of cancellation to avoid cancellation fees. However, if your appointment is confirmed a fee will still apply.
Contacting to provide cancellation or rescheduling notice, you must contact us: 1) 831-574-6831 or 2)
If you or part of your group cancel within the 24-hour advance period, you will be refunded fully, but also charged a $100 cancellation fee for individual appointments and a $50 cancellation fee per person for group appointments.
Cancellation – within 2 hours advance notice and missed appointments
Applies to only confirmed appointments.
Missed appointments or cancellation notifications within 2 hours prior to appointment time are non-refundable.
If part of your group is present for the appointment:
a) and your group is 3 persons or less, any missing persons will be charged fully
b) and your group is 4 persons or more, any missing persons will be refunded their charges but incur a $50 no-show fee per person. (I.e. if 10 people book, and 5 people show, the 5 persons will be charged fully, and the no-show 5 persons will be refunded for their services and charged a $50 per person cancellation fee)
To Contact Drenched IV Incorporated (Controller)
Drenched IV Incorporated
PO Box 2176
Carmel by the Sea, CA 93921
© 2022 Drenched IV Incorporated
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#monterey #pebblebeach #salinas #seaside #marina #santacruz #aptos #soquel #hollister #watsonville #gilroy #morganhill #capitola #benlomond #felton #scottsvalley #losgatos #sanjose #sunnyvale #halfmoonbay #mossbeach #redwoodcity #paloalto #cupertino #santaclara #milpitas #fremont #newark #milbrae #sanfrancisco #sanbruno
Get Drenched!
© 2022, Drenched IV Incorporated, A professional California Medical Corporation and Private Medical Association.
Order NOW and call 831-574-6831 to schedule infusion and get included clearance consul from a licensed provider.